OBA Events
The Orem Business Alliance holds monthly events to facilitate business networking, teach valuable skills, and to further build up the business community in Orem. The OBA currently holds two meetings every month: the New Business Meet & Greet and the Lunch & Learn.
The Orem Business Alliance also holds monthly Lunch & Learn events, where Orem business come together to network, enjoy lunch, and learn valuable business advice from subject matter experts. The OBA Lunch & Learns are held from 11:30am – 12:30pm on the second Tuesday of every month at the Orem Library Hall (56 N State Street, Orem). Sign up below to receive invitations to OBA events.
Past Lunch & Learn Events
Check out our previous Lunch & Learn events and join us on the second Tuesday of every month!
Past Webinars
The COVID-19 pandemic put a brief stop to in-person meetings, so the OBA shifted to monthly online webinars. Below is our May 2021 webinar with Illens Dort, titled “Overcoming the Fear of Failing”. You can view our catalogue of previous webinars here
Suggestions for a Meeting/Webinar Topic?

What do you want to hear about? What are you struggling with? We want to hear from you! Give us your ideas for meeting/webinar topics! Help us provide the most value to Orem businesses by collaborating with us! Send us an email below!
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